A love like Gods love.

For the past few months, everybody had been going through this pandemic together. But no one truly knows the struggle that each of us has faced in our personal lives. From being quarantined, to slowly but surely opening things back up, to the election soon to come, even to the country being torn apart by the color of ones skin. We are all facing a difficult trail in the world today. But how do we move on from all the madness? How do we hold each other up through this tough time? Lets began with what we should not do. We should not tear each other down just because people make it seem right. Everybody has their own opinion, true, but just because we do not agree on the same things doesn't mean I should hate you, or you should hate me. We should not turn our backs on our neighbors just because others are doing the same. And we defiantly should not be disliking one another because of the color of their skin. We should not be following people who ar...