
    This past week has been difficult. I have seen too many tears than I like to count come from people that I love and I felt hopeless. I felt like I needed to protect them from the pain that they was feeling. I tried my best to keep a brave face but found myself broken. Its hard to try to help people when you feel down and out your self. I did not know how to handle it. I found my self angry. It is hard to do anything when you get to that point. I wanted to hurt the individuals hurting my loves ones and no matter what people was telling me, I wanted to lash out. I wanted to be as ugly and as nasty as they was being. I did not care if I stepped out of who I was just for a brief period in time, because I wanted them to feel the hurt and the pain that they was dishing out to people around me. In my mind, that would have made me feel better, but in reality it would not. I would have probably felt worse about the situation.

But we have a God that is mighty sweet. 

Colossians 3:14- Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. 

    When you start talking about forgiving others for what they have done to you, its hard. You just want to hold on to that anger and let it fester as long as it can. You what to hold it against the person, because, to you, its what's right.  But the Bible says we have to forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us.  Well that is a hard pill to swallow!!!!! FORGIVE THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID TO ME?   Yes!!!! God requires us to forgive others for the way that they treated us and the things they have done to us. If we cannot for give others, then how are we expecting GOD to forgive us for the things we have done.

    So how do we began to forgive? Well first we have to ask God to forgive us. 1 John 1:9 says " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us for our sings, and cleanse us form all unrighteousness."  What are you asking forgiveness for you may wonder?  For the anger and the sins that we may have committed in our hearts toward that person. Even for the bad thought that we had about the person. Ask God to touch us and help us to show kindness one to one another and forgive them.

Lord, please for give us for our sins. Help us to understand that we have to forgive others the ways you forgive us. Give us a forgiving heart toward the ones who have hurt us. Turn our hearts back to you God, and help us though this life  remembering you are the one we have to depend on.  In Jesus name Amen!


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