Faith is bigger than our fear!!!!

This is my first blog of the new year and a lot of things is on my heart and in my mind to blog about, but where do I begin in the year 2021. As I sit here, trying to figure out what I want to write for my blog a lot of things come to mind. Should I talk about my day? Should I give them a story time? Or should I start out with how the first few days of 2021 has been hard for me? What is it that I need to blog about that would make it interesting for my readers to read about? But then I realized the reason I started this blog in the first place. I want to be a blessing to others. For the longest time I know that there was a calling on my life. I ran from it for so long because I did not understand what it was that I was actually called to do. But then God showed me what He had for me to do. He wanted me to be an inspiration to others. I always wanted to be one of the people that God uses to help the children of God. I want to encourage people who may not have someone in their li...