
Showing posts from July, 2021

Go to God for help

“ I want to do this…. But I don’t know!!! I want to do that…. But I don’t know!”   This has been me for the past few weeks. I have been going back and forth on things that I know in my heart that I need to be doing, but I find myself second guessing myself.   It almost seems that I do not have the faith in God that I say that I have.   Questioning my Life   It’s like I am questioning everything thing that he has been telling me to do in my life. Weather it because I am scared to do it, or it is just the fact that I do not think I know how to do it, I find myself in the same boat repeatedly.     It seems like every time I take two steps forward, I find myself taking five steps back. It’s like I am being repetitive. But I am learning with every passing day, that I am looking in the wrong place for the answers that I need out of life.   You may feel like I am being too honest with this blog, but I just want to help others and show ...