Dealing with Grief

There are times in our lives where we are going to have to deal with the loss of someone. It is hard, and no one wants to deal with it, but one way  or another we have to.

See, I have had many people in my life who passed away, but recently I had someone who passed away that was close to me. This hit differently, because of who she was to me.

She was my mother. One of the most Godly women I knew, even at the end of her life. 

I found myself with a mix of emotions that I did not know how to deal with.

I completely shut down from family, friends, my kids and my husband. I even shut down from doing what God has told me to do. 

I quit writing, and I even quit seeking God's face. I was barely reading my Bible, and praying, because I was that sad. I was in my feelings  and I did not know how to deal with them. 

I still have my days where I do not know how to express how I am feeling, but God is showing me how to deal with grief.

See, going through this process, and it has not even been a month since the Lord called her home, I had to truly understand  that I am not the only one who has been through this, and I cannot shut God out. 

That was the most important part. Shutting God out was one of the worse things I could do, because it made me feel worse. But I thank God I figured it out before it was too late.   

When you find yourself going through grief there are several things that you will have to understand. 

First of all, don't forget to lean and depend on God. Even if you cannot express your feelings to other people, seek God's face. Have faith that he will give you peace in times of sorrow. He is able to give you comfort and joy that others are able to. 

He is the only one who can be the one you can lean and depend on, even when others dont understand. 

Second, it's ok not to be ok. Your emotions are going to be all over the place, and that is ok. You have to deal with it in your own way. Others will try to make you understand what they went through. And that is ok. But it is ok not to want to talk to others about what you are going through, until you are ready to talk to them. 

Lastly, lean on your family. If God blessed you with a close family, lean on each other to get through. It's ok to talk to your family about what you are feeling. I do not know what I would have done without my dad, brother and two sisters. 

Even the people who are not blood related, know who you can truly depend on in that time of grief.

God knows when you are grieving it is one of the hardest times in your life. But God is faithful that he will help you through it with the help of others who love you.

God bless.


  1. Excellent! Keep letting God use you.


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