
Showing posts from December, 2022

God Knows

  So I missed putting up a blog on Friday, and  I missed church today because I was not feeling well.  And as I was sitting here and God was tugging at me to get into my Bible.  Now all I wanted to do was to lay down, but one thing I learned is that if God is talking to you it is for a reason.  So I got up, started praying, and I opened my Bible. I did not go to particular scripture, I just opened my Bible, and it opened to Psalms 139. It seems that I have been to this particular scripture before, but there was a reason God had me go here today.  The first verse says “ O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me ”.   My eyes started watering up just for that alone.  The second verse says “ Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thoughts afar off ” See, as a child of God, he knows our thoughts and our minds. He knows our hearts. He knows if we truly want to work for him, and he knows if we are just putting on a fr...