Walk by faith

It is time for us to stop talking about what we are going to do for God, and just do it!

For over a year, God has been dealing with me on several things that he has placed in my life to do. And for over a year, I would start it, then I would stop it, then I would start it again, then I would stop it..again.

This has become a cycle of stopping and starting things that God has placed in my life to do. But why am I stuck in this continuous cycle you may ask. Well it is simple.

See, For the longest time, I have let things come in the way of me doing what God has placed in my  life to do. 

See, I was letting fear control me. I was afraid to take a step of faith because I was unsure of the outcome. I was not putting my trust in God.

2 Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

What does that mean? It is simple. That means that we do what God told us to do, not knowing the outcome, not knowing what way God is going to take us, we just operate in faith knowing that God is going to lead the way. 

That is simple to say, yes, but it is the truth. None of us know where this journey with Christ is going to take us. He may take us places we never could have imagined. There may be things that God wants us to accomplish that are going to take us out of our comfort zone. But we have to be willing to take that walk by faith, and trust God for the rest. 

But if we don’t go about our lives in faith knowing that we may not be able to see where we are going, but God is leading us every step of the way. 

Isaiah 41:13 “ For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help you”

He wants us to depend on him.  He shows us in his word that he will always be by our side “holding our hand”. We just have to learn how to trust him. 

If God tells us to do something, then we should always have the mindset that he is always by our sides leading us.  He told us he would. It's not a secret. He is not going to leave us alone on this journey.

One thing is true about God. If God places you on a journey in your life, be sure and believe that he will lead us through  it no matter how hard it may seem. He is just waiting for us to step out on faith, and he will do the rest.

God bless. 



  1. Hey sis, this so true.bi definitely needed to read this. It came at the right time. Love ya! Tiffany


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