
Showing posts from July, 2023

God uses our brokenness to help others

  I am going to do something a little different. I want you to take a moment as you are reading this, and remember. What are you remembering? Well, I am glad you asked. I want you to remember the time of your life when you truly felt broken. What is that time in your life when you did not see anything but the bottom when you looked up. You tried to pray, but you could not seem to find the words. You tried to live your life in the way that God asked you to, but it seemed like all you could do was just the wrong thing.  You just could not figure out why you felt the way that you did. You could not understand why your life was falling apart.  All you wanted to do was to try to make yourself feel better.  That, is the feeling of being broken.  That, my friend, is the worst feeling in the world. That is the feeling of just not knowing.  I have had that feeling in my life a time or two. You feel like your life is just torn apart and you can not piece back th...