New Year, Same God

As we are a few days into the New Year 2024, I know everyone is excited to be in a new year so they have their many goals that may or may not get accomplished this year. But want to encourage you this year to remember that even though it is a New Year, God is still the same God as he was last year, and the year before that, and so on. See now a days, people want to use the excuse that “God is doing something different this year’’ Or “we got to meet the people where they are at”. What does that even mean, “meet the people where they at”? That statement never made any since to me. But, if we are meeting the people where they are at is contradictory to what God said in his word, no thank you. To me, it is just an excuse to not do the will of God and use the house of God to become popular. God want us to bring people to him, but the right way. Usin...