
Showing posts from February, 2024

Praising the Lord

    "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praises shall continually be in my mouth" Psalms 34:1     Do we praise the Lord like we should? or do we just go about our day like he has not done anything for us?   David said it prefect in Psalms 34. He says "I will bless the Lord at all times."   That means no matter what you are going though, you should always praise the Lord.   We may find ourselves in a storm with nowhere to go, and we feel all alone. But if we just start praising God, we will see how we start feeling.    God has done so much for us when we did not deserve it, we should always want to praise him and thank him for being there for us.    We should not just praise God for what he did for us, but for who God is to you personally.   That is what I had to learn, who God was to me?   See, we don't always look at praising God for who he is. Sometimes we think we just need to praise God for what he had done in our...

What does Kindness Cost?

  For those who do not know, I am a Sunday school teacher at my church. I teach the kids 6 to 10 years old. I love teaching kids this age because it’s fun and they are very smart children.   They love to learn new things about the bible and they ask so many questions.      We have been discussing kindness in our Sunday school class and why it is so important to be kind to others. Not just others, but be kind to all kinds.    As I was thinking on my Sunday school lessons a question came to mind.    How much does it cost to be kind to others?    This is a valid question because we see so much hate in the world. People don’t like each other because of their skin color, or they don’t associate with a certain person because of their background.    Why is that?   Do they feel they have the right to mistreat people just because they are different?  Or do they feel like they are better than other people because of w...

Being doers and not just hearers.

  So, as I am sitting here at work, I had some down time and God placed on my heart James 1:22 which says “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” Now I have heard that scripture plenty of times in my life, but I never really dwelled on it.  Now before I go into my blog, if you have not read the book of James I suggest you read it. Now God has been dealing with me on a lot of things lately. But it was interesting that this particular blog I started writing last year.   But why did he bring me back to this blog?  I simply needed it at this moment.  As a Christian there needs to be an understanding about God's word. He wants us to study his words and know his words so we can apply his words to our lives so we can out  lives for him. How good is it that we read the manual on how to put something together, and we toss it aside and put it together like we want to?    It's not going to come out right. Same thing wi...

Worry about Your life first.

  I could never understand why people feel like it is ok to speak about other people's lives.  “Oh they are going through because they are not living a Godly life”.  Or they say “You they are being punished for what they did or did not do” They think it’s their duty to let others know how they feel about what’s going on in other peoples lives. It’s so funny that we can make other people's business our business, but we neglect the things in our lives that we need to get right for God. That is why so many people have a hard time in their lives. They always looking at their neighbors and they can tell you all of what’s wrong with that person and why their lives is going the way it is going, but refuse to look at self. If you honestly want to look at  someone life,  look at yourself.  Take a look at your life and see what needs to change.  Matthew 7:5 says “ Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to c...