Praising the Lord

"I will bless the Lord at all times: his praises shall continually be in my mouth" Psalms 34:1 Do we praise the Lord like we should? or do we just go about our day like he has not done anything for us? David said it prefect in Psalms 34. He says "I will bless the Lord at all times." That means no matter what you are going though, you should always praise the Lord. We may find ourselves in a storm with nowhere to go, and we feel all alone. But if we just start praising God, we will see how we start feeling. God has done so much for us when we did not deserve it, we should always want to praise him and thank him for being there for us. We should not just praise God for what he did for us, but for who God is to you personally. That is what I had to learn, who God was to me? See, we don't always look at praising God for who he is. Sometimes we think we just need to praise God for what he had done in our...