Working for God with no Excuse

God has place something in our hands to do as Christians. It can be something big, or something small, but he has something for all his children to do.


I have heard for a long time “God does not call the equip, he equips the ones he calls”.


Now I am going to be honest, I have not read those exact words in the bible, but there were a few scriptures that showed God giving instructions, and men questioning him. 

In Exodus chapter 4 God was giving Moses’ instructions and he was questioning God.  


Exodus 4:10: “And Moses said unto the Lord, Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent, nether heretofore, or since thou has spoken unto thy servant; but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue”. 


I had to look up the word eloquent, and it said, “the fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.” 

See Moses did not think he was qualified to go and do what God told him to do, as we can see in the first few books of Exodus because he questions God more than one. 


Exodus 4:11-12 says “And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? Or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord? No therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.” 


If God tells us something to do, we should never question “Lord me? I am not qualified.”


As a little girl, I remember my parents looking at a preacher with cerebral palsy. His name was David Ring.  His speech was different, and his walk was different, but I remember him standing in that pulpit preaching the word of God.  I went and watched one of his old videos about his life and he said that he thanked God how God made him. 


But the thing that got me was that he did not let his disability stop him from doing God’s work. He trusted God and he went to do what God placed in his life to do no matter what his circumstances was. 



Simple, the bible says it plain. We must trust in God.  (Proverbs 3:5) 


And I am going to be honest with you, that is hard sometimes. God tells us to go left, but we know that there is something that we don’t want to encounter if we go left, so we go right, and find out that the short cut was left. 


We must have an understand that we cannot make decisions on our own. That is why it says, “lean not unto thy own understanding”, but trust in God that he knows better than we do. 


We find or shall say we make every excuse when God calls us to do something, and we find out we have messed up our own blessings that God had for us because we decided to do things our own way. 


The best thing to do when God places a task in our hands is to pray and ask God to be with us and give us the strength to go on in his name and to carry out his will with no questions asked. 


Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”


We must stop to making excuses as to why we cannot do the work for God. It does not matter how we walk, or how we talk, or how we feel like we are not qualified to do. 


If God tells us to do something he is going to equip us with the words we need and the strength to do it.


God bless. 











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