
Showing posts from May, 2024

Be on the Watch

Life can be going great. You are happy and it seems like you find yourself on cloud nine.    And you find yourself having zill to do something for God, or God has giving you an assignment to complete, and you are up for the challenge. You want to do for God, because that is what he requires of us.    But then, it seems like everything starts going wrong in your life and the feeling you had is gone.      1 Peter 5:8 “ Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeing whom he may devour”   It is funny how God brought this scripture to my mind.  When I wrote this blog, I was getting ready for a women’s program at my church, and I was getting my mind and my heart ready for it. It seemed like everything was coming my way to get my mind off what God had for me to do.  But I had to realize what was going on.  To give a better understanding, I had to look up the meaning of a few words.  ...

Being a Godly Example for our Children.

   Children watch how their parents respond to certain things.    We could get mad at the person driving the car in front of us and get mad at how they are driving. That is when we make the excuse of having road rage in how respond to the next driver.     But it is how we respond that our children are looking at. We are who they get their behavior from when their lives began.   That is why if we flip people off and curse them out, our children are going to follow what we do.     So, I am going to give you an example by tell you what happened this week. My kids must be at school at a certain time, or they will not be able to get breakfast. This particular morning, I got them up late because I overslept. So, I knew they were going to be late, so we got dressed and I took them to Bojangles to get them a biscuit. So, it was right at 8:00am when we got to the school, so I knew they were going to be tardy.   So, they close ...