Being a Godly Example for our Children.


Children watch how their parents respond to certain things. 


We could get mad at the person driving the car in front of us and get mad at how they are driving. That is when we make the excuse of having road rage in how respond to the next driver.  


But it is how we respond that our children are looking at. We are who they get their behavior from when their lives began.   That is why if we flip people off and curse them out, our children are going to follow what we do. 


 So, I am going to give you an example by tell you what happened this week. My kids must be at school at a certain time, or they will not be able to get breakfast. This particular morning, I got them up late because I overslept. So, I knew they were going to be late, so we got dressed and I took them to Bojangles to get them a biscuit. So, it was right at 8:00am when we got to the school, so I knew they were going to be tardy.


So, they close the drive line right at 8:00am and you have to go inside the school and sign in your child. So that is what I did. I could not be mad at anyone else, because I was the one in the wrong because I had overslept. 


Well, there was this mother who was just not having it, so she got out the car yelling at the principle and just upset. 


So, if the kids are late, they must get a tardy slip to give to their teacher. The lady at the door gave her kids a tardy slip and she snatched it out their hands and instructed them to go to class without the slip knowing they needed it to get in the class.


Now, if those children went and went against the rules of the school or because they were mad just to prove a point, who can that parent blame? Nobody but themselves.


Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  


God requires us to train our children on how to behave. They look to us as their parents in how they should act. 

We cannot say we are Christians in one breath and curse someone out in the other breath. 


That simply shows children that there is no standard they need to follow.  That is not good. You are just teaching your children that it is ok for you to act one way, and then name the name of Jesus in the other.


Not only that, but we also must teach our children how to navigate this life. 


It is our job to teach them, not only teach them, but  show them what they need to get through this life.  We are to be that example of how a man or woman needs to conduct themselves. 


Most people feel like children should figure it out on their own. They take on the mindset that “well I had to figure it out by myself, let them figure it out.”


Wrong mindset as Christian parents. 

We must have the mindset that God blessed us with our children, and he charged us to teach them how to live a Godly life.


If we don’t be that example to our children on how to live Godly, who will? 



God bless.

*Please leave a comment of encouragement for everyone. 


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